Ad Como

AdComo Logo

Ad Como (To Do in latin) is a small Golang application written to handle simple to-do lists.

As AgayonTodo became more and more reliable, I wanted to have access to my to-do notes everywhere. It is mobile-friendly and responsive, but the server on which it is installed is not always up for various reasons. Moreover, I wanted to try to develop a mobile application for a long time.

I developed a small Golang native Android application with similar features to AgayonTodo. It has syncing capabilities to synchronize categories and items with AgayonTodo instances.

Technical details

Ad Como relies on the fyne Golang toolkit. It can be used to create categories (the name of the tab) and items. Each item has a description that can be edited using Markdown syntax.

If you already have an AgayonTodo instance, it is possible to sync the categories and items. Make sure to update your AgayonTodo instance to the latest master changes.

If your instance is behind a basic authentication mechanism, you can bypass it by entering your username and password.


If you want to install the APK on your Android device, don't forget to enable ADB debug.

$ git clone
$ cd adcomo
$ # For desktop version
$ go build
$ # For Android
$  ~/go/bin/fyne package -os android -appID be.agayon.todo -icon Icon.png
$ adb install AdComo.apk 

See the Fyne documentation for iOS.


Capture 1 AdComo

Capture 2 AdComo


