Chatty Server

Chatty server is a XMPP bot programmed to run on a server. It can be used

  • as a dynamic toto list.
  • to provide the travel time by car, foot and public transport between two adresses.
  • to give useful information about the load of the server.
  • to give the status of the server. The status of the account change depending on the load and memory usage.

The following sections describes the usage of chatty_server.

When it start

At start, the program set a status base on the load and the memory usage.

18:40:29 server‎: en ligne
18:40:30 server‎: How you doin' ? Load: 0.12 0.05 0.05 Memory (Go): 1.08GiB/1.96GiB (35.2%)
‎18:40:30 ‎server is now Available (How you doin' ? Load: 0.12 0.05 0.05 Memory (Go): 1.08GiB/1.96GiB (35.2%))
Get the list of available commands

The list of command is send whenever the user send a message to the bot.

‎18:40:58 ‎jnanar‎: help
‎18:40:58 ‎server‎: Available Commands : status, reminder, travel

Calculate a travel time

Calculate a travel time is easy and fast. You need to define a Google Maps API key to use this function. You can also, define

  • your address,
  • the summary key: it is the summary of this travel( a highway, a long road, etc),
  • the shortest distance between work and home,
  • as well as the duration of this particular travel.

When the distance differs or time differs too much from these data, the bot will remind you to take another road.

18:22:22 jnanar: travel
18:22:23 server: Usage: travel car start % stop
conveyance = car, bus, metro, tramway etc.
Example: travel car rue du parc 4000 Liège % Place saint Lambert 15 4000 Liège


18:42:08 jnanar: travel car rue du parc 4000 Liège % Place saint Lambert 15 4000 Liège
18:42:09 server: travel car
travel rue du parc 4000 liège to place saint lambert 15 4000 liège
Summary: Quai Orban
Distance: 2.46 km
Duration in traffic: 9.22 min
Duration (normal): 8.05 min

In order to use the travel time function you need to define an API key, a work location and a home location in the file named "libs/". Some shortcuts are available: h2w and w2h for home and work location.

18:49:10 jnanar: travel h2w
18:49:11 server: home address to work address
Summary: E42
Distance: 7.81 km
Duration in traffic: 11.03 min
Duration (normal): 11.13 min

Obtain the status of the server

18:34:13 jnanar: status
18:34:13 server:
Load: 2.12 2.26 2.31 Memory (Go): 3.94GiB/11.23GiB (17.6%)
CPUS : ('14.5%', '11.9%', '19.0%', '10.9%', '35.7%', '7.6%')
Memory (Go): 3.94GiB/11.23GiB (17.6%)

Use it as a reminder or a TODOlist.

‎‎18:42:45 jnanar‎: reminder list18:42:45 server‎: Todo list18:42:57 jnanar‎: reminder write a blog article 5min18:42:57 server‎: Reminder: write a blog article at 2017-01-04 18:48:04.79734918:43:23 jnanar‎: reminder 2h program my personal robot18:43:23 server‎: Reminder: program my personal robot at 2017-01-04 20:43:30.59911318:43:29 jnanar‎: reminder list18:43:29 server‎: Todo list
todo: due write a blog article at 2017-01-04 18:48:04.797349
todo: due program my personal robot at 2017-01-04 20:43:30.59911318:43:57 jnanar‎: reminder 1min do a test18:43:57 server‎: Reminder: do a test at 2017-01-04 18:45:04.77981218:44:05 jnanar‎: reminder list18:44:05 server‎: Todo list
todo: due write a blog article at 2017-01-04 18:48:04.797349
todo: due program my personal robot at 2017-01-04 20:43:30.599113
todo: due do a test at 2017-01-04 18:45:04.77981218:45:01 server‎:
Reminder: do a test
---18:45:10 jnanar‎: reminder list18:45:10 server‎: Todo list
todo: due write a blog article at 2017-01-04 18:48:04.797349
todo: due program my personal robot at 2017-01-04 20:43:30.599113
todo: done do a test at 2017-01-04 18:45:04.779812

chatty_server is written in python v3 and is licensed under the GPLv3 licence.


Install the dependencies

Clone the repository

  • git clone
  • Modify libs/ and rename it as libs/

