1. 3615 MyLife

    This year, the holidays and city trip was the occasion to meet Damien Accorsi, founder of Algoo SAS and his team.

    This summer, I had the opportunity to meet Damien Accorsi in Moirans near Grenoble. He is the founder of Algoo SAS, a company that provides software development services and Tracim. Tracim is a collaborative software designed to allow people to share and work on various data and document types.

    Everything started from a post on LinuxFR. I stayed near Grenoble for a week in the beginning of July and therefore, I asked the community about nice activities to do in the region. Damien answered quite quickly and made some useful suggestions. We never talked before. He also suggested meeting in his startup in Moirans. I happily accepted and we have met in his quarter. We talked about his activities. If you speak French, I suggest his instructive posts in LinuxFR. We talked about our projects, we laugh and had a really good time. His employees are really nice and fun. When I left, I promised myself to make more IRL meetings in the future.

    Yet It was not the first time I visited a software developer. Two years ago, I have met Goffi from the Salut-à-Toi (SàT) project in Prague (Czech Republic). We had nice conversations and exchange about XMPP, the link between communication tools and politics, the struggle of developers to take part in open source project during free time, building a community with limited resources, etc. From this exchange started a nice collaboration on his tool. To this day, I write the PKGBUILD (packages) of SàT for Archlinux.

    I hope to meet other people during holidays and events like FOSDEM. It is nice to put a face on a nickname. Maybe next time it will be an inventor or an artist.

    In the meantime, if you go to Grenoble, according to Damien and myself, you should try:

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  2. Demo Website: Authentication with XMPP

    This article follow up the article about Authentication without password using XMPP on a Django website previously presented here. This article introduced the XMPP extension (XEP-0070) which allows one to connect on a website with his XMPP account, without additional password.

    Unfortunately, the XEP-0070 is not widely used but this article aims to present you my little contribution to change this situation.

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  3. Mixing Pandas with Odoo

    This article describes the use of XML-RPC API provided by Odoo, a well-known ERP system. Upgrading to version 11.0 is the occasion to update my python scripts to reduce considerably the number of requests. The improvements were done with the help of pandas, the famous data structures and data analysis library.

    Photo credit: Panda_3956, Ken_from_MD
    Photo credit: Panda_3956, Ken_from_MD

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  4. Using sat-pubsub, a great pubsub component

    In the continuity with the previous post about jp, the following article present sat_pubsub, a XMPP Publish-Subscribe (Pubsub) Service Component, build for the need of the « Salut à Toi » project.

    Salut à toi (SàT) is a unique XMPP client. As its official description says, it's a "multipurpose, multi front-end, free (libre) and decentralized communication tool". It has been actively developed by Jérôme Poisson (Goffi) and Adrien Cossa (Souliane) since 2008.

    sat_pubsub allows us to use our own up-to-date persistent pubsub service.

    This article is composed of several sections

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